My prayers were answered beyond what I could have imagined. Tanya "just happened" to run into the doctor who takes care of Katya and Alyona. That doctor told her to get out of the hospital as fast as she could and promised to visit them at home. It was just what Tanya needed: an expert to get her past her fears of going against the experts in the hospital.
Tanya was full of horror stories about the hospitals. She said that if someone else had been telling her these things, she would have thought they were exaggerating. Oh, I'm so glad that's all behind them!
Now we can look forward to the day camp ahead of us next week.

Hallelujah! "Praise be to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation...."--I am only singing in my mind, so as to praise the Lord without distressing anyone who might hear.
Whohoooo! Thanks be to God!
Hallelujah is right! What wonderful news. I am glad that Tanya had someone to reassure her and give her the courage to do what you all new in your hearts was the best. Please share with Tanya and Pavel that they are in all our hearts and prayers.
Thank you for faithfully keeping us posted - maybe we will soon see a photo of this precious family with their new addition.
I'm so glad to hear that they are out of the hospital! Encourage Tanya to nurse all she can and we'll pray that the little guy catches on quickly!
Yeah!!! What an answer to prayer! We'll be waiting to hear how well they do at home and we're praying that he'll 'latch' on soon!:)
phyllis rejoicing with you! you've had quite a week - praying for you!
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