Baby: Maksim (they're pretty sure that is his name

Anna: We think Anna is going to visit Jon and Carrie, leaving tonight for a twenty-hour train trip. We just haven't been able to get her a ticket yet. Last night while we were out with the children, she fixed a wonderful birthday dinner for Will, and then we had a group over to celebrate. If she can leave tonight, then she'll be back here on the 18th or 19th.
Jaan: He's loving the camp, even though he's way too young to officially take part. Every day he asks to go out "to the children." Having Aunt Anna here is also a wonderful treat for him (and all of us!). And, as always, he keeps us laughing with the funny things he says.
Raia: She's walking! Even though she hasn't completely given up crawling when she really wants to get somewhere, she's choosing to walk more and more. I love watching her toddle around. We're still working on potty training. She does fine when there's a potty around, but her only way of telling me that she needs to go is to go sit on a potty, so sometimes we have problems when we're out.
Honey...So good to have updates on all fronts; we continue praying. How thankful I am that Anna could be there with Will on his 30th; we know how special her dinners can be and trust it was a delightful celebration.
We love each of you!
Great updates!
Maxsim, I like it!
Congrats on all ends!!! What great news for everyone!
Tell Will a happy belated birthday from us in Oregon!
BY the way... could you send me all of your birthdays?
Happy 'Camp'ing!!!
Happy Birthday, Will! And way to go, Raia!
I'm so glad to hear that Tanya is nursing the baby well. Hallelujah!
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