Beyond the fact that Tanya is miserable, can't be with her baby, and is in a terrible situation, the city's abandoned babies are in there with her baby. She asked us to bring diapers for them, and told how she had called for a nurse to take care of one of them because he was crying; the only response was, "Let him cry." I knew that Russian hospitals keep abandoned babies, usually in very sad conditions; Susan had written about them in her city, and so had our friends in Mozhaisk. Somehow, knowing that they're right there on the other side of that locked door makes it so much more real and painful, though.
On to other subjects. . .
Will and Ivan are taking Abby and Linda to Moscow today, to see them off at the airport. Wait, that's sad news, too.

Anna had a few days in Melenki, and last night we heard that she was in Murom, at least for an overnight. Her camp time is drawing to a close. I think maybe she's headed to Viazniki for a little while next. She'll probably visit our friends Jon and Carrie while we have camp here, and then she'll be back to spend some time with us.

Oh, Honey....I don't even know what to say, but we ARE praying.
Maybe it's more emotional for me because it's so close to home, but oh, your posts have made me cry. We are praying!! P--what are bilirubin levels?
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