All wrapped up
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
This is how Miss Houdini sleeps. I seem to remember hearing that at this age her Aunt Leetra could squirm out of her clothes while napping. Raia would do her proud in similar escapes. However, she loves to be swaddled and gets upset when she finds herself unwrapped. The only way we can keep her wrapped is to actually tie her in. With Jaan Will would ask, "Do you want me to swaddle him?" when he started getting fussy. For Raia Will says, "Should I go tie her up for you?"
And, speaking of sleeping, she pulled another long sleep stretch last night. This one was weird, though. We put her down in the living room for her evening nap, which is usually about an hour around dinner time. She still hadn't woken up by the time we were ready for bed! I went to bed, expecting to be woken up as soon as I had fallen asleep myself. I woke up with a start at 2:00, when she usually eats and ran out to check on her: still peacefully sleeping. She finally woke up at 3:00! I think that was more than eight hours! Now, if she could just do that starting at our normal bedtime. . . .
Raia gets more beutiful every time we see her. Thank you so much for sharing that precious, peaceful face.
Hooray for sleep!
With much love....
So I'm not the only blonde haired, blue eyed Houdini in the family anymore?=) I bet she'll like shopping too, and I'll take her every chance I get. Say hello to my beautiful niece and adorable nephew for me and kiss them both. I love you all! xoxo
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