Friday, August 12, 2005


We've had two rainy days in a row here, but just now the sun is coming out! Jaan's going to be so happy when he wakes up from his nap and sees that we can go outside. Maybe we'll even go over to play with Katya and Alyona.

Raia seems to be getting back to her usual sunny self. She pretty much lives in the sling, and we're both drinking lots of fennel and chamomile tea, but that's enough to keep her happy. I certainly don't mind; I love having her snuggled up to me all the time, and the tea tastes good. It's so nice to have her back!

Jaan's really missing Will. Last night at 11:00, when I finally fell asleep myself, he was still sitting there, fighting sleep and waiting for Papa. Jaan did have a really good time with finger painting yesterday, though. (I'll try to post photos soon, if they turn out well.) And, like I said, he's going to be very happy to go outside when he wakes up.

Will should be back tonight. Well, it might be really early tomorrow morning before he actually gets here. He wasn't able to meet up with a doctor in Moscow to get our letter notarized. All the homebirth-friendly doctors are on vacation right now. We may see if there's anything more that we can do here. Otherwise, we'll just wait until next week, and Will can go meet up with someone in Moscow then. At least he was able to see all the Gospelink men and get things moving with our visas, as he had planned.


Anonymous said...

As I read your posting, my emotions ran the roller coaster you have certainly experienced. It is wonderful that the Lord give the blessing of children to sweeten the days of frustration, and I am thankful that amidst the busyness, you are able to enjoy memorable moments with them.

I await fingerpainting photos with delighted anticipation.

We love each of you so much!

Anonymous said...

Oh Phyllis that is a shame that will did not get to see a doctor. Hope he had a good trip and visit. Your children are such a blessing and you are amazing! Your parents must miss you terribly! Hope you enjoyed the sunny day and the Will made it home safely. Jaan sounds like our Jonah. Jonah is a really Baba's boy and can't be withour is dad for long, he misses him so much at night too. Looking forward to more pictures. Praying you get that birth certificate and passport for little Raiah.