Saturday, March 08, 2008

Happy March 8th!

Everyone is back from Dallas! Hurrah! But I spoke too soon when I said Raia was well. All the women in this family are pretty miserable, just in time for our holiday: "International" Women's Day. Happy March 8th to all of you! Will and Jaan are fine.

The sick ones
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

(Edited to add: After reading this, I'm not so sure about wishing friends a Happy International Women's Day. I didn't know anything about the history of it! I think I'll keep enjoying the holiday, though. I have great memories of flowers and special services at church, schoolchildren giving me so many flowers and so much chocolate that I couldn't even carry it home, fun teas, and explaining that "no, they don't celebrate it in America," that I think it's worth continuing the tradition. Even it there are feminist and socialist roots, today we celebrate mothers, daughters, grandmothers and the other women in our lives on March 8th!)

1 comment:

Mrs said...

Prayers for wellness!

Sit. Read. Repeat.