No high speed internet for us.

Contrary to rumors, it's still not available in our region. It took Will almost a whole day of running around to find that out. Oh, well! We have a new internet card, so here are the balcony pictures I promised. They're from the last month or so.
Neighbors, gossiping over the fence
Originally uploaded by fylliska.(Actually, he was feeding her.)
Checking the frog eggs
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Washing the truck
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Snack time
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Yum! Concrete!
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Soaking up the sunshine
Originally uploaded by fylliska.We've had a few days warm enough for this, or for "swimming." I put two washtubs out with warm water in them, and one child in each tub. They splash and play and have a great time!
Can you see that we love our balcony? One of my big requests when we were searching for an apartment here was that it would have a balcony. Thank you, Lord, for giving it to us!
We've been busy the past few days. Saturday, we (the younger three of us

) spent the whole day with Nastya and Ilya. The boys had a great time playing together, and Raia loved following them around with a toy car in each of her hands, too. Yesterday we went to church, of course, and afterwards we stayed at the Korneichuk's until late for a birthday celebration. We roasted hot dogs, sang, and enjoyed the beautiful weather and the apple blossoms, while Raia wallowed in the dirt. (Too bad we didn't have the camera along!) Today we were planning to go over and work in their garden first thing, but it looked like rain, so we waited. Now the sun has come out, but Raia is napping. Will and Jaan are over there getting started, and we girls will join them soon.
Aren't balconies just the best?! I'll post some of our balcony pics, too! You inspired me to finally get posting ;)
ohh phyllis these pictures are the best! I love the snacktime one. Also Will's essay was excellent - you need to write more often Will.. you look just a little bit like Chekov in your picture :)
when does your camp start?? i keep having these wishful thoughts of how wonderful it would be to see Raia blow out her one year candle... I can dream! :) Caleb sends a big hi to his best bud
Honey--I am so impressed by the great use you are able to make of the balcony and very happy to think of you all over working in Tanya's garden. I began sorting photos last night and came across a few of you and Leetra watering the tangelo tree just after it had been planted. How you girls and the tree have all grown! Much love to each one....
The new pictures are soooo cute! Wish I could be there to see you all. Miss you lots!
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