First bath
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
The hot water was fixed the day she was born, but that only lasted for one day, so she didn't have a chance to enjoy it until Friday. We've found that newborns love to have relaxing "swimming lessons" in a full tub, and Asya is no exception to that.

Going potty
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
There's a similar photo of Raia that I just love. You can't see it here, but Asya gets that very same look of concentration on her face. Useful fact that I'm not sure I had ever heard in America: sometimes babies fuss because they have to go potty, and they're much happier when they don't have to do it in diapers!
Also on Friday Will, Jaan and Raia made a quick trip to our dacha, to pack up some things and bring back fresh vegetables. They also brought me some of my flowers:

"For you!"
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
(I'm afraid it's a better picture of the flowers than of the children.)
Saturday was my first whole day without Will. He had to be at the monthly missionary-pastor meeting in Ivanovo. Everything went really well here, though. We had unexpected helpers (a hyperactive six-year-old boy and his sweet mother) show up in the morning. Even though they are the most. . . how should I say it? demanding? challenging? of any who could have come, it really was nice. They took Jaan and Raia out to play for a while, and then we all had lunch together.
In the afternoon our friends Zoya and Elizabeth, who live in Moscow now, showed up. I knew they were planning on being in Viazniki today, and I was sad that I wouldn't get to see them, so I was thrilled when they called and said, "Um, we're in Kovrov."

Zoya and Asya
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
(Elizabeth, I hope the group one I took with your camera turns out better than ours. Everyone else, go check Elizabeth's blog, because I know she'll be posting about her Kovrov/Viazniki trip when she gets back to Moscow.)
Today Will and the older two are in Viazniki for the Zhatva celebration there. (The churches in our region try to stagger out the dates and times for celebrating Zhatva, so that there are chances to visit each other.) Asya and I are enjoying a very peaceful, quiet day together here. I almost don't know what to do with myself. I think I'll start by watching her sleep for a while. Have I mentioned that she's incredibly sweet?