Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Variegation Time!

After discussing home repairs in such detail on my last post, and not adding any pix to variegate the tedium, I thought it was time to make amends. Therefore, a short tour of the Hunsucker's living room. (Ooorah, OooraH!!) Yes, I know, thrilling matter indeed, but one must be thorough, not so? Notice the books stacked around. I wasn't kidding about thinking of floor to ceiling shelving!


Mrs said...

Photos of living room to come, I assume? ;-)

I'm (as usual) confused on where you've "moved" to. You're not upstairs roasting. Are you not downstairs in the same building as where you were upstairs, or have you moved all together and I missed reading that? And is the season of the dacha coming to an end?

Phyllis said...

Same downstairs apartment. It's taking a L-O-N-G time to get settled in here. :-)

The dacha season is slowly drawing to a close, but I think we still have a while. Last week we stayed home to work on settling in here. This week getting internet set up has taken a few days, but we're planning to go out to the dacha tomorrow (um, today).

You can't see the photos?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I was wondering about the "dacha season", too! Have they locked the gate and turned off the water yet?

And, I know these pictures and words had to be added by my son! What is POLKSI ALKSI or whatever he said??? And, it is certainly his handiwork! Amazing what he learned from all that taking apart and putting together as he grew up!!! Wonderful skills! Lots of love! Mom/Julie/Baba

Phyllis said...

Oh, we're just getting into harvest time now! It will be a while before the gardens close!

You know Will. He uses Russian words in his English. :-)

Mrs said...

Ok, so the pictures are of the bookshelf area. Those I'm able to see. I thought he was going to do a panorama of the living room or something. :-D

Whenever you guys use Russian words, I just assume it's the word for the picture. You might be saying, "Organized at last!" and I'll be thinking "Bookshelf!"

Anonymous said...

How similar is the floor plan to the former apartment? Is the schkaf in the living room?

So good to be hearing from you again....

Phyllis said...

The floor plan is like what we had in Moscow: kitchen, bedroom, big room, all in a row. We're discovering that it's not good at all for being quiet while one person sleeps, but otherwise we love it.

Yes, the shkaf is in the living room.