I still think it's my blood sugar that's not right. During the day, I can keep it pretty stable with a good diet and constant snacks. If I do "crash," I've learned how to get myself back up again. Nights are the problem. I have to eat at least every two hours. I usually don't even feel hungry, but if I don't eat, I can't sleep. It's like my body won't let me. When I do doze off without those snacks, I jerk awake after 15-20 minutes. And jerking awake like that is such a shock, I can't just roll over and try again. It's like my body panics: heart racing, adrenalin pumping, shaking all over. It seems to be getting worse, too. At first, I could go for longer periods of time once in a while, and when I needed to eat, any snack worked. Then it came to be that I needed protein snacks only. Nothing else helped. Now it's never more than two hours, and it seems like the only thing that really helps is two eggs and a glass of milk. But if I have to eat two eggs every two hours. . . .

Happier news: now that we've had another week to work on settling in here (that's what last week was set aside for), and now that we have internet set up (that took a few days), we're headed back to our dacha! Thank you, Lord, for outdoor life and fall weather!
Computer news: For those who are interested in such things, this is the actual gadget we're using to get on the internet.
Other computer news: Our laptop is finally fixed! Will can pick it up the next time he's in Moscow. Then we'll be a really high-tech, portable family.

Babies: We have so many old friends around the world having babies these days! I've been keeping myself going on their stories and photos. Little Ella, born early, weighing less than 2 lbs was one of the first. (If you want to read her story, email me, and I'll pass your request on to her mom, who would probably invite you to their blog. Right, Debi? Amazing answers to prayer there!) Or no, I guess Olivia Hope in Indonesia was first this year. Then there was Liz's Jasmin in Asia, Owen, Hanne's sweet little girl in Belgium, Baby Abigail in Perm, and Timothy in Siberia. Lara let us know on Sunday that she was in labor, but we haven't heard anything since then. Just yesterday I saw photos of the Goodman's brand new granddaughter. And I'm still waiting and praying with Caryn, Allie and Danielle. I think I'm probably even missing some!
"See" you later. I'm very ready to get back to our dacha.

Phyllis, I have never heard of this. I'm so sorry! I'm eager to hear if anyone else has solutions for you.
I can't say that I have any solutions for you ... but I *do* know how you feel. I was that way through my pregnancy ... I don't know if you have been checked, but I officially had "gestational diabetes" but, oddly enough, didn't have to even modify my diet to control it. Probably because I was already limiting my carbs (they wanted 45g for breakfast, 30 for morning, afternoon, and night snacks, and 60 for lunch and dinner ... unlimited protein and fat). They didn't really want us to eat at night, but I was like you, I had to eat about every two hours all night long - but it didn't bother my sugar. It got worse the last month or two before DD was born, but entirely dissapated afterwards - the best sleep in my life was the 10 months after she was born and I was nursing! And she was a completely healthy baby.
my sister had gestational diabetes and like rebecca says it does sound like you might have it(although you may have been to the doc and already know this?)
Yea!! I'm so glad you're back online! (Doing a little jig) I've missed you. Alas, I'm afraid you've gone and spoiled us! =)
Love to all!!
phyllis! Thanks for writing!! (and reading/commenting on my blog) :) i have to go to IKEA again this week, so i'll have to check for starbucks...
i'm also glad to be on your side of the world :)
s molitvamy,
I saw on the tickers at your homeschoolblog that Jaan is 4 years today! I wish you all a lovely birthday and within weeks: a safe birth for your third blessing!
All the best
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAAN! I hope you have a wonderful day and love being 4 years old.
Love, Aunt Lindy
Happy, Happy 4th Birthday, Янчик!! Я очень люблю тебя! Я скучаю много по тебя и хочу видеть тебя скоро!! Я не могу верить ты уже 4!! Love to all,
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