Thursday, January 17, 2008

Laughter and joyful noises

A recent conversation with Jaan:
“Then go.”
“I can’t. The light is off.”
“Well, I’m feeding Asya. Go get the stool and turn it on.”
“I don’t have time to do that. I have to go NOW.”
“Okay, then. . . use your hanger to turn it on.” (He was carrying a clothes hanger around.)
“Oh, good idea,” and he successfully implements it.
Five minutes later:
“MAMA!” (I think “Sigh. I need to go wipe him.”)

Every few minutes when Jaan and Raia are playing, one of them will say, “It’s time for church!” At that, they jump up, grab some books, and do this:

(I know you probably can’t see much, but at least you can hear their joyful noises.)

Here are Mama and Papa:

Mama has Baby Asya in her carrier.

Here’s the real Baby Asya:

There’s not much news here. On Monday Will called the regional (“state”) court to find out if they could give us any news, and they couldn’t. Tuesday we got a letter from the judge here, saying that he had sent all his papers about our case on to the state. We’re packing and sorting and waiting.

1 comment:

Mrs said...

How did I miss such a delightful post? Of COURSE it's a pistol, Jaan! And I love mama and papa going to church!

We have your prayer list on our hearts. All of us have been wondering if God closed Russia (for now) to open up Ukraine, or another former USSR country. I'm actually excited to see what's next, though I know Russia is indeed beloved to you.

Still, we're all so excited to see you and the children! There are so many babies HERE that you need to meet and bond with as well. :-)