Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Listening to the Bible

Several years ago I started reading through the Bible every year. I'm trying to remember now how long it's been. Three years? Four? It's been one of the best, most life-changing habits that I ever started. However, recently it's gotten a little harder for me to keep up, and--sadly--I've found that I've rushed and just passed my eyes over the page too much. I've always done my reading during nap time, so starting school with Jaan threw me off. As I limped up to the finish line of 2009, I was searching for a new time or something to help me get back on track. And I think I found it!

This also fits with my new hobby (obsession?): crocheting. And I have even been given an iPod! This year my plan is to listen to this podcast and crochet for the first part of nap time, while the girls fall asleep. Then I can work with Jaan after that. It sounds very pleasant and doable. I've even started a group on Ravelry to go along with this. (If you're on Ravelry, come find me; I'm fylliska.) I've been amazed at the response over there!


Paula said...

I need to do something like this. I've been learning to use my husband's ipod, maybe I should try the podcasts.

Misty said...

lol....we just kinda follow each other around it seems... I've been on ravelry for a while now. I've also been enjoying DAB.

Sigh... so wish we could get together for tea.

MissElaineous said...

Thank you for this link, it's just what I've been looking for!