Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Evening Post, issue 13

A photo from this week:

Jaan... is beginning to entertain himself with reading, really reading. I was sick and canceled school one day, so he read instead. Also, he's going to be reading part of the Christmas story at church next week.

Raia... went out sledding one morning, by herself, before the rest of us were ready. Somehow she sledded into a concrete light post, so she's had some pretty fancy bruises on her cheek most of this week. I thought it looked like someone tried to draw a Russian flag on her face at first, but now it's faded.

Asya... is working on learning her first poem for church. At one of the Christmas services she'll say the beginning of it, then Raia and Jaan will recite the rest.

Baby... has a friend in Asya. She often wants me to turn or bend down so that she can talk to the baby. This morning, she climbed up onto the bench next to me at church, and said, "I want to sit by you, so that I can put my head on the pillow," and she patted my tummy to show what pillow she meant.

Will... is feeling the pressure of needing to plan and do everything for the Christmas season. We're going to have about three weeks straight of special events. Please be praying!

School this week: Hmm. I think this is the first time we haven't gotten through a week in the week I had planned for it. We'll be catching up a little next week.

My books: I noted down the suggestions you gave me last week (they look good!)....and then I started a Terry Pratchett book.

...and knitting: I started the November afghan square, and not just once. I've undone it and restarted three more times now! It's really hard to figure out the pattern and stay on track with this one.

Weather and nature observations: The snow lasted--and was beautiful!--until yesterday. Then the rain started. Now we have high wind, rain, and the sound of ice crashing down from the roofs. We put up bird feeders this week, but we haven't had many visitors yet. (Asya told me, "We're not waiting for visitors, Mama, we're waiting for BIRDS to come.")

Advent this week... was definitely full of joy! I didn't think of it when I was planning, but with reading about the life of Christ in order and having Joy be our third week, stories of His Passion come in Joy week. In a way, it's a strange combination, but in another way, it makes sense. "By His stripes, we are healed," and so we rejoice! Now we'll be thinking about PEACE: John 14:27.

Other news, ministry, notes and miscellaneous from the week: Jaan's piano teacher is in the hospital, so we have a little break from some lessons. Other than that...?

On this date in. . . 2006: interesting, I was talking about rain and snow then, too.

holy experience

Just a few things I'm thankful for...
  • the JOY of Advent
  • children showing mercy after justice is served
  • lots of quiet this week
  • Will working hard to protect that quiet time!
  • the flamingo that Asya saw while she was in Africa
My question for you: Can you describe your life right now in one word? (Thanks for another question idea, Mom!)


Baba Julie said...

How wonderful that Jaan is "really reading"!! Isn't that thrilling? Tell Raia that Baba Julie says, "Be Careful"!!! Have fun, but take care of her sweet self!! And, Asya... how precious that she is already baby's friend! I know she'll be a terrific big sister! JOY... that's the word for my life right now! Love y'all!

Anna said...

Quiet. I know that's a strange word, especially at this time of the year and with everything that's going on, but...after everything that was happening in Odessa, I feel like my soul is quiet here and I'm having the chance to be renewed. Thanks for your post!

Rebecca said...

Home. Finally my little is together for a few days and doing family type things.