Sunday, January 05, 2020


In trying to remember the last time we went to Poland, I went back through old blog posts. I remembered that Bogdan had his first birthday while we were on our way home, so it was 2012. Everyone was so little!

And the time before that, 2010, Asya was the baby in the stroller. I'm thankful that we can fly this time, and that everyone is so grown up and independent now. They don't really remember much of anything, so it's going to be fun to discover it all over again. We're rereading The Trumpeter of Krakow, and I found some other books for us, too....


Mom said...

I was just wondering about reading The Trumpeter of Krakow. With older children this will be an entirely different trip, and what memories they will have! We love you.

Baba Julie said...

How fun! It sounds like you are making a real adventure out of an unexpected trip. Praying it all goes well and is very enjoyable for all of you! Love to each one!