Thursday, June 26, 2008


Anna is headed out tonight. She was going to leave earlier, but we had to go to Zaporozhye for our registration today. I had suggested that we all go together and see her off then, but she offered to wait and watch the children for us. So, this morning Will, Asya and I went to Zaporozhye, signed some papers, and came back. Tonight Anna will go by herself. Pray for her, as she has quite a trip ahead of her. The last bus from here to Zaporozhye is at 6:00, and her train doesn't leave until after 1:00. Then she gets into Donetsk around 5:00.

This morning, for me "the journey. . . was another of the all things He giveth us richly to enjoy" (From Sunrise Land, page 47). Asya took her morning nap on the way there and her afternoon nap on the way back. The weather was beautiful, and not too hot. The first few sunflowers in the fields are starting to bloom, and everything else was very green. The lake looked bright blue. Zaporozhye seems to be a pretty city (as long as you don't look off into the polluted distance full of smoke stacks). Everything just went very smoothly and easily.

When I told Jaan and Raia that we were leaving them with Anna for a while. . . .
Raia: "I'm scared."
Jaan: "Don't worry. I'll call you a taxi and send you off to the big city to find Mama and Papa."
Raia: "That's scary, too!"
But no one was scared, and Raia didn't come looking for us. They had a great time with Anna. We'll miss her!


Anonymous said...

How very thoughtful of Anna to be willing to give you and Will that rare opportunity for a day somewhat away! We pray her travels will be enjoyable and relatively easy. Much love....

Anonymous said...

Hi! And, I think Anna is very brave! I would've taken you up and the me going with you and you putting me on the train, I'm afraid! But, it was nice of her to offer to keep Jaan and Raia. We're praying for you all and Anna in all of her adventures! Love you! Baba Julie

Phyllis said...

Well, we couldn't actually have put her on her train, because, if we had stayed until 1:23, we wouldn't have had a way to get home! But, we could have gotten her to the train station, so yes, it was very, very kind of her to stay with the children for us.