Sunday, April 26, 2020

Another PET scan

UPDATE: The clinic is open. We'll be leaving at 4:00 a.m.

I've been scheduled for another PET CT scan on April 28 at the place just outside Kyiv since before quarantine started. We've spent lots of time and energy over the past week figuring out how that could work out. (And lots of emotional energy mourning my trip to England and dreading the scan!) As it stands now, the clinic is still working. There are no trains, buses, or planes running, so we are going to pay a local pastor to drive me there. Hopefully he can rest while I'm in the clinic, and then we'll drive back the same day. Assuming the clinic is still working. Assuming that roads are open. They did write up an official document to help us get through road blocks. We'll see. Even if travel goes well, it's probably about a 7 hour drive each way. And four hours in the clinic for me (very unpleasant hours). And they're not sure they'll still be working then. There's a lot to pray about.


Mom said...

So sorry you have to endure all this. Definitely we will be praying. Can Will go with you? (We also are mourning the loss of your trip to England because we know how much it meant to you.) Much love....

Lindy Johnson said...

There are a lot people behind you, praying for you, and supporting however we can. To a very safe and positive trip! 🌺

Helen Brown said...

Prayed for you this morning, will continue until we learn that all went well. Jer 32:7

Mom said...

Thank you for the update. We are praying.

Jacob said...

I am so sorry and truly cant imagine. I am praying now for you and your family.