Saturday, January 13, 2007

Her favorite things

Raia's newest words reflect some of the things she loves. She says "mocha" when she wants to nurse. We guess that comes from молочко/milk. Or have I been drinking too much coffee lately? Her other new word is "ee-ah," which does not mean donkey; it means book! That took us a while to figure out. She must just be saying the vowels in книга. For a while we thought she was talking about Will's recent part as Monsieur Ee-Ah the Donkey, but now we've figured out that it only means donkey when she says it long and loud. Usually "ee-ah" refers to the books that she loves to read with Papa.


Anonymous said...

That's cute! It's funny when they make their own language! :)

Laura T. :)

Lindy Johnson said...

Maybe she wants Papa to read about Eeyore!