Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A few of God's gifts

We've been here for two months now, and I'm just getting around to my first gifts post from Ukraine. And this is a ridiculously small sampling of the wonderful gifts that God has given us here! Just remember that each one here stands for many, many more that aren't mentioned.

785. Butterflies! I think if they were the only beauty God had created, they would be enough to convince me that He loves me.
786. Art supplies, neatly organized
787. Two long, deep letters from friends who have given me some of my longest, deepest friendships
788. A mulberry-leaf basket, full of mulberries, brought home for Asya

789. Purple hands, faces, and even feet after a free snack in the park

790. A lady bug that calmed a long bout of fussiness
791. Fat little fingers, trying to catch that ladybug
792. The hot, tired, happy walk up from swimming
793. A lovely and easy trip to and from Zaporozhye
794. Pictures of the twins in Kovrov!!!
795. Snails “swarming” after rain
796. Holy Experience posts left in our mail, so that I can go back and reread this and more, as needed, even without an internet connection
797. The park
798. Babushki who bring flowers: if they keep up, I’ll have peonies in every room!

799. Little spots of beauty appearing as we work through chaos: the coffee corner, beginning of a nature shelf, new linoleum, and, of course, my flowers

801. The most wonderful secret hiding places for my children to play in
802. The smell of peonies (I wish there was a way to capture and keep smells!)
803. Two lastochki sitting on the clothesline in the early morning, when I went out to hang clothes
804. Clouds that look like summer in Russia
805. Asya crawling through the grass to get a dandelion
806. Three red tulips and a white iris
807. Kind strangers who give me flowers
808. White petals on the ground