Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A day in our lives

People have asked about what a typical day is for us. Will's days are very unpredictable, but I can tell you about what Jaan, Raia and I do on a typical day at home.

7:00 - I get up. This is just a goal, a new thing that I'm trying to get started. A few years ago I wouldn't have thought it was early at all. Now it can be a real struggle not to just lie in bed until my babies wake up. My days go much more smoothly if I get up and have some quiet time in the Word first, though. (If I don't get up, I can fit quiet time in during naps. I was content with that, but I'm really finding that this way is better.)

8:00 - Jaan and Raia wake up, almost like clockwork at the same time. I know, we're very blessed that they get up together and not early! We eat breakfast right away.

9:00 or 10:00-ish - We head outside. Jaan and I walk while Raia falls asleep in the stroller. If we were just walking around our neighborhood, then we stop somewhere once she's asleep and Jaan plays. If we went to the woods, we also usually find a place to stop for a while, so that Jaan can explore.

12:00 - Come in and have lunch.

1:00 - Naps. I really work toward having both Jaan and Raia go down at the same time, but some days it just doesn't happen. If they do both sleep, I try to divide the time between having a break myself and getting something done without helpers. One or both of them are up by 3:00. We used to go outside after naptime, but now that it's getting colder and darker, we're going to have to transition out of that. Now we work on various projects (like the never-ending translations! Are you reading this, Dean?)) and maybe some preschool fun. Today we did laundry (and translated), and then Jaan used scissors, glue, and scraps of construction paper to make collages.

6:00 - Supper.

10:00 - Bedtime for all of us.

Evenings vary. Monday Will goes to a Bible study for the church men or Gideons meeting; those alternate back and forth. Tuesday there's a home group that he sometimes attends, sometimes leads. Thursday we have a youth planning meeting here, but Raia and I go to the Bible study that Tanya is doing. Friday night--at least for now--I have a knitting lesson, and Jaan goes along to play with Mark.

Weekends are our really busy time, although most of the busyness is Will's. Saturday morning there's often a Gideons Bible distribution. At noon Will goes out to Sannikovo for ministry with the children there. Saturday nights are the new youth club. Sunday morning is Sunday school for the kids from the orphanage, then music practice. Church is in the afternoon. We're talking about adding supper here and a Bible study for the church youth after that.

So, there you have it. . . our daily life.


Anonymous said...

Honey--Thank you so much for the intimate glimpse of your day. How we love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Phyllis! This is Alana from the Woodshed. Im on the Ambleside Yr 0 list, and noticed you on there and the link to your blog! When did you have Raia? I havent been on the Shed for months..I think since May? I hope and pray all is well with you and your family.
In Christ

A day in the life... said...

hey but there is no such thing as *typical* right Phyllis? :) And I thought Will only had to be the Regional Director for a year.... (evil snicker) :)
take care